July 2013 PPR Award – Ruth Wood

Ruth registered with elite in March and her CV was submitted to one of our clients for a role which complemented her skills ideally. She soon became a favourite amongst her colleagues within her new role and is still there. Ruth has been an extremely reliable and...

June 2013 PPR Award – Kimberley Teale

Kimberley registered with elite at the end of December 2012 and her CV was submitted to one of our clients immediately for a role which ideally matched her skills and experience. Kimberley was instantly offered the role which she started soon afterwards, and has now...

Flip flop friday

With the recent heat wave what better way to keep cool than to dig out your favourite flip flops! Here at Elite Personnel we’re wearing our flip flops for charity! On Friday 12th July we’re kicking off our heels for some flip flops to raise money for...

Like us on facebook!

Elite are now on facebook! Like our page to be in with the chance of winning our monthly competitions and to keep up to date with all vacanices!

May 2013 PPR Award- Karen England

This is the second time that Karen has been presented with our monthly PPR Award, having returned from maternity leave, Karen has been working in her current role since March and we have received exemplary feedback from our client! Karen is a true professional,...

April 2013 PPR Award- Sarah Page

Having being made redundant from her employer of over 14 years, Sarah was job seeking on the internet and responded to one of our adverts by calling the office, and she was with our MD, Deborah Austin, being interviewed within the hour! Instantly, Deborah knew that...