June 2013 PPR Award – Kimberley Teale

Kimberley registered with elite at the end of December 2012 and her CV was submitted to one of our clients immediately for a role which ideally matched her skills and experience. Kimberley was instantly offered the role which she started soon afterwards, and has now...

May 2013 PPR Award- Karen England

This is the second time that Karen has been presented with our monthly PPR Award, having returned from maternity leave, Karen has been working in her current role since March and we have received exemplary feedback from our client! Karen is a true professional,...

March 2013 PPR Award- Sharon Breheney

Sharon originally joined elite in July 2012 looking for permanent work as she was already in a temporary assignment, which was due to finish at the end of August. Elite started working on Sharon’s behalf and she started her one and only assignment so far at the...

January 2013 PPR Award -Maxine Walsh

Maxine originally joined elite in April 2011, and has been on her current assignment since July 2012, having being re-assigned to the client she first started working with through elite! Maxine is a very loyal, conscientious temporary worker, and that fact that the...